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Jesteś firmą dystrybucyjną? Szukasz większych możliwości sprzedaży?

Dołącz do naszej platformy i zyskaj dostęp do szerokiej bazy klientów! Powiększ swoje możliwości sprzedażowe i zwiększ zasięg swojej firmy.

Practical solutions
for Suppliers and their sales representatives

Increasing Efficiency and Productivity

In today’s world, increasing efficiency and productivity is crucial to the success of any business. With Agrest, you can be more efficient without wasting time on traveling to clients or coffee meetings. Our platform allows you to build close relationships with clients online, enabling you to focus on real business needs and maximize productivity. Save time, money, and resources while expanding your sales and operational capabilities with the practical solutions offered by Agrest.

Uninterrupted Supply Chains

In a rapidly changing world, uninterrupted supply chains are crucial for the success of any business. Examples such as the COVID-19 pandemic or the conflict in Ukraine have shown how easily global supply chains can be disrupted, forcing companies to quickly create new strategies. With Agrest, you can respond faster to customer needs, minimizing the risk of supply interruptions. Our innovative solutions enable dynamic adaptation to changing market conditions, ensuring stability and operational continuity for your business.

Excess Inventory?

Bought too much of something, or no one wanted to take it? List it in the system and sell off your excess to avoid losses. Our platform makes it easy to post surplus stock, allowing you to quickly find buyers for products you no longer need. Instead of incurring storage costs for unneeded raw materials, you can efficiently sell them to other companies that need them. Optimize your inventory and maintain cash flow with our innovative offer management feature.

Atuty systemu dla Twojej branży

Instant Notifications

Stay up-to-date with instant notifications about new clients, offers, and orders.

Centralized Management

Use a single central system to manage employee accounts and branches, streamlining your company's operations.

Transaction Transparency

Gain full transparency by tracking every transaction in real-time, building trust and credibility in your business relationships.

Rozwiązujemy problemy

Better Employee Management

Effective team management is crucial, and suppliers often face challenges in monitoring employee performance. Modern customer management tools allow for precise tracking of employee activities, leading to better control over operational processes and improved efficiency.

Transaction Transparency

Lack of transparency in transactions can lead to misunderstandings. Suppliers need systems that ensure full transparency, allowing easy tracking of every operation, which builds trust and credibility.

Better Price Management

Fluctuating raw material prices can be a challenge. Effective price management requires market monitoring and quick responses to changes. Advanced price management tools allow for precise pricing, minimizing losses and maximizing profitability.

Data Analysis

Suppliers must make decisions based on reliable data. Data analysis is crucial for understanding market trends and operational performance. Real-time data collection and interpretation support strategic decision-making, helping you stay ahead in the market.

Najczęściej zadawane pytania

W jaki sposób dowiem się, że mogę obsługiwać nowego klienta?

System Agrest automatycznie poinformuje Cię, kiedy pojawi się nowy klient w Twoim regionie. Otrzymasz powiadomienie z danymi klienta, co umożliwi szybkie nawiązanie współpracy i dostosowanie oferty do jego potrzeb.

Ile mogę mieć kont pracowników?

Możesz mieć dowolną liczbę kont pracowników w systemie Agrest. Każde konto można dostosować do roli i odpowiedzialności danego pracownika, co pozwala na efektywne zarządzanie zespołem.

Czy mogę zarejestrować swoje oddziały, jeśli firmę posiadam w innym miejscu?

Tak, możesz zarejestrować swoje oddziały w różnych lokalizacjach. System Agrest pozwala na zarządzanie wieloma oddziałami z jednego konta, co umożliwia centralne zarządzanie operacjami i lepszą kontrolę nad działaniami firmy.

Skąd będę wiedział, że klient potrzebuje oferty, aktualizacji ceny lub złożył zamówienie?

System Agrest wysyła automatyczne powiadomienia o potrzebie oferty, aktualizacji cen oraz złożonych zamówieniach. Dzięki temu zawsze będziesz na bieżąco z potrzebami klientów i będziesz mógł szybko reagować na ich wymagania.

Jakie korzyści przynosi korzystanie z systemu Agrest?

Korzystanie z systemu Agrest przynosi wiele korzyści, takich jak lepsze zarządzanie pracownikami, transparentność transakcji, lepsze zarządzanie cenami oraz zaawansowana analiza danych. Dzięki tym funkcjom możesz zwiększyć efektywność operacyjną, poprawić relacje z klientami i optymalizować koszty działalności.

Załóż konto online w systemie Agrest już teraz! ENG

Dołącz do Agrest i odkryj, jak nasze innowacyjne rozwiązania mogą zrewolucjonizować Twoją piekarnię ENG

Zarejestruj się ENG
Comprehensive Support for Suppliers

The "Suppliers" section in the Agrest system is a comprehensive tool designed specifically for distribution companies looking to increase the efficiency and reach of their operations. With our advanced platform, suppliers can manage their resources, monitor inventory levels, and update product prices in real time. The Agrest system enables quick responses to changing market demands, allowing for better control over transactions and minimizing losses.

Our features support suppliers in every aspect of their business—from employee management to transaction transparency and process optimization. The Agrest platform makes it easy to list surplus stock, helping suppliers find buyers for products no longer needed, reducing storage-related losses. Additionally, our data analysis tools enable more informed business decisions and sales strategies.

Agrest is not just a resource management tool but also a solution for building stronger business relationships. Thanks to the integrated notification system, suppliers are always up-to-date with their clients' needs, allowing for quick and effective responses to orders, offers, and price updates. The transparency of our transactions fosters trust and credibility in business relationships.

Our platform also supports the registration and management of multiple branches, enabling centralized control of operations even across different locations. This allows suppliers to better coordinate their activities and maintain operational consistency throughout the company.

Join the satisfied users of Agrest and see how our innovative solutions can revolutionize your business. Optimize processes, increase profits, and establish new business relationships with the help of the Agrest system.

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